What’s New

National Day of Action: June 25, Shame on Scotia, Shut Elbit Down
    Join with people from across Canada and Quebec for a …
PAJU joins in the call: Quebec must close its office in Tel Aviv
Photo Credit: Quebec Minister of International Relations, Martine Biron. (Martin Tremblay/Archives La Presse) …
An international petition in solidarity with Yemen confronting aggression and siege
The Canadian BDS Coalition and International BDS Allies is pleased to be …
Shame on Aga Khan Museum, partnering with Scotiabank, major financier of Elbit!
Shamefully, Aga Khan Museum has partnered with Scotiabank/Scotia Wealth Management in the …
CPPIB investment in war crimes & potential genocide increases to $16 B in 2024
  For five years, the Canada Pension Plan has been told by …
Open Letter in Support of Charlotte Kates and the Right to Free Expression
  The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies supports the Open …
Make sure you are not purchasing apartheid this summer.
Keter Plastics manufactures and markets plastic furniture, household and garden products. Keter …
US, Zionist regime and imperialist powers are full partners in the horrific Rafah Massacre
The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies, joins in support of Masar …
The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies
We are pleased to announce that we now are "The Canadian BDS …
Two-Way Arms Embargo Now
The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies, signed on to the …
Institutions, investment and Palestinian human rights webinar, with focus on CDPQ & WSP, and pensions
  Karen Rodman of Just Peace Advocates/the Canadian BDS Coalition & International …
Apartheid Baby Products
You’ve heard of greenwashing and pinkwashing, but have you heard of babywashing? …
Statement on the International Criminal Court, the Resistance, and justice for Palestine
The Canadian BDS Coalition and International Allies has adopted and is sharing …
BDS discussion in Kingston Ontario
The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies were pleased to join …
Statement issued by Palestinian institutions and associations in the homeland and the diaspora
The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies endorse this joint statement. …
Joint Statement Condemning Police Brutality at the University of Calgary & the University of Alberta
The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies was pleased to join …
Stop Harassing anti-Genocide Advocates for Palestine!
The Canadian BDS Coalition endorses the statement made by its member organization, …
The Canadian BDS Coalition stands in solidarity with student call for divestment
The Canadian BDS Coalition stands in solidarity with the courageous students around …
#Nakba76 Activist Kit: Raise The Flag
  Special Offer: Order one Palestinian flag and a scarf (or two …
Shame on Companies “Walking with Israel” during a genocide
See who is supporting this pro-Israel annual “parade.” Before you go to …
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