Coalition Members

The Canadian BDS Coalition currently has member groups from across the country, as well as a number of national organizations. These are groups that support the BDS call and have endorsed the Coalition’s Basis of Unity. You can browse the groups, or select your province below to find a group near you.


BC | AlbertaSaskatchewan | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec | Nova Scotia | Newfoundland and Labrador | National 


Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation (BBCF)

The Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation was incorporated as a registered non-profit society in 1996 in British Columbia. The director is Theresa Wolfwood of Victoria.  The aims of BBCF are:

  1. To create, to develop, and to encourage programs that promote social justice, peace, sustainability, diversity and community, through research, writing, film and art; and
  2. To organize public events that will contribute, globally and locally, to knowledge and awareness.


BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish

BDS Vancouver was formed to help solidify our contribution in Vancouver to the global Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against Israel. We organize actions, campaigns and events to boycott Israeli products and complicit corporations, and to demand accountability from the BC and Canadian governments for their involvement in perpetuating crimes against the Palestinian people.


Canada Palestine Association

Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver has been carrying on solidarity work for the Palestinian people since 1980. CPA supports the Palestinian people’s struggle to realize their human and national rights including the right to self-determination and the right to return. It opposes Zionism because of its exclusionist, aggressive and racist nature and also opposes anti-Jewish and anti-Arab racism (for more details see our Basis of Unity). CPA also endorses the general boycott against Israel and against all those who enable Israeli ethnic cleansing, war crimes and Apartheid.



2 Rivers for Palestine

Here for Humanity on the ancestral unceded territory of Lheidli T’enneh.

 Facebook  Instagram.



Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) Victoria 

CAIA Victoria formed 2006 as a response to the growing threat to peace in the Middle East created by the Israeli government. We are a network of concerned individuals and organizations working to end this apartheid system. We believe that justice will not be achieved without equal rights for everyone in the region, regardless of religion, ethnicity or nationality.

We understand Israeli apartheid as one element of a system of global apartheid. To this end, we stand in solidarity with all oppressed groups around the world, in particular, the indigenous people of North America.

We oppose all forms of racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

website | facebook


Regina Peace Council

The Regina Peace Council was formed in 1949. It focuses on issues of peace, disarmament, development, and international solidarity. It is a member of the Canadian Peace Congress which in turn is affiliated with the World Peace Council. We publish Saskatchewan Peace News four times a year, which is available free in hard or email copy to anyone interested in checking it out by emailing Ed Lehman at

The Regina Peace Council believes that justice for the Palestinian people is a key requirement for having peace in the Middle East and in the world.

Human Rights for All (HR4A)

“Human Rights for All started as a local Saskatoon group after the May 2021 bombing of Gaza. HR4A opposes all forms of racism and discrimination.

Our present focus is to create awareness of the Israeli system of apartheid, and the ways Canada supports it, by engaging with local peace and justice groups, the general public, and members of parliament and the legislative assembly. We recognize BDS as a valuable tool in dismantling apartheid.”



Anti-Imperialist Alliance – Ottawa (AIA Ottawa)

AIA Ottawa is a group of people opposed to Canadian and US imperialism, both within Turtle Island and abroad. We aim to raise consciousness and take action against the destructive policies of Canadian and US governments and businesses, which seek to subordinate the people of the world and profit off of their oppression. Our goal is a world in which all nations and peoples have the freedom to develop as equals.

AIA Ottawa is currently focused on the struggle against settler colonialism, resource extraction and towards Palestinian liberation.”



GT4BDS (Greater Toronto 4 BDS)

Toronto based group that organizes campaigns, actions & supports BDS work.


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Al Quds Committee – Toronto

Al Quds or Jerusalem Day is an annual, international Muslim-sponsored event that happens in the holy month of Ramadan the Friday just before Eid and is designated to both educate and encourage people of conscience to work for just peace for the people of Palestine. Al Quds days in Toronto are bring together people of various faiths and non-faiths, that include Muslims, Christians, Jews and atheists. Al-Quds is an expression of support for the Palestinian right to self-determination, and against the annexation of Jerusalem, with East Jerusalem encompassing the third-holiest site in Islam, the Al Asqa Mosque.


Ontario Palestinian Rights Association (OPRA)

The Ontario  Palestinian Rights Association [OPRA] started in 2016 as the Oakville Palestinian Rights Association.  In 2024, it be came the Ontario Palestinian Rights Organization.

As its name implies OPRA has focused on advocating for the rights of Palestinians whether they are in the Westbank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, 1948 Israel, in refugee camps in neighboring countries or in the diaspora around the world. We believe a lasting , productive peace between Israelis and Palestinians can only be achieved when these internationally recognized rights are accepted and acted upon. OPRA has sponsored a number of public events drawing attention to Israeli and international disregard of these rights and the oppressive consequences for the Palestinian people. OPRA’s primary focus is upon theThe No Way To Treat a Child campaign . It is attempting to gain the willingness of Canadian parliamentarians and the Canadian public to condemn this Israeli policy and practice of arresting, isolating, hurting, intimidating, manipulating and imprisoning children, some as young as six or seven,for insulting or throwing stones at riot gear dressed soldiers with powerful weapons.

OPRA also strongly supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of all Israeli companies,organizations and institutions that have not condemned the Israeli denial of Palestinian rights. OPRA meets approximately once a month

For more info contact

Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

The mission of the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War is to press harder for peace challenging every political leader to stand with the people in pursuing peace over war.

Website Facebook Contact

Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)

NMJPI is currently an informal movement to rally persons in Niagara and elsewhere to commit passionately to ACTIONS that will bring about permanent peace and fuller well-being for all in Palestine-Israel, founded on justice for both Palestinians and Israelis. We believe that, given the prevailing circumstances in the region, the most effective vehicle to accomplish this goal is the global Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting the Government and businesses of Israel and the illegal settlements encroaching on Palestinian land.



Windsor BDS

We formed to support the call for BDS. Our focus is on actions related to BDS as well as, outreach activities in order to inform and educate the local community about BDS and its importance.



Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)

PAJU was created in November 2000 in response to the Second Palestinian uprising (Intifada) against the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel. PAJU has worked to build support in Quebec for the struggle of the Palestinian people.Its members work to promote justice and peace in Palestine and to end Israel’s occupation and colonization of Palestinian land.

We actively promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, distribute information and organize cultural and political activities in support of the Palestinian cause.

website | facebook

Eastern Townships Solidarity Group with Palestine

Eastern Townships Solidarity Group with Palestine. Our group is dedicated to mobilizing citizens of Quebec’s Eastern Townships to support the plight of the Palestinians.


New Brunswick

The Palestine Solidarity Committee Saint John (PSCSJ)

The Palestine Solidarity Committee Saint John (PSCSJ)  is a group made up of Canadians, Arabs, and Palestinians living in Saint John. We formed in 2018 to raise awareness about the struggles of Palestinians and the human rights violations committed by the Israeli government against them.

Twitter: @pscsjnb

Newfoundland and Labrador

Solidarity With Palestine

We are a loose coalition of individuals who work in St. John’s toward justice in Israel/Palestine.




Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement pour une Paix Juste

A Canadian based independent human rights organization promoting Just Peace/Paix Juste through the rule of law and respect for human rights in Canada and around the world for the Palestinian people and those that stand in solidarity for the human rights of the Palestinian people

Our vision is provide a civil society voice focused on government, institutional and society’s accountability to the rule of law, and the standards of international human rights and humanitarian law for the rights of the Palestinian people.

The work of Just Peace Advocates is accomplished through research, monitoring, education, communications, advocacy, programs and services.

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom. We work to raise awareness and provide resources about Palestinian political prisoners, their conditions, their demands, and their work for freedom for themselves, their fellow prisoners, and their homeland. We also work to organize campaigns to make political change and advocate for Palestinian prisoners’ rights and freedoms, including boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns against the Israeli state and complicit corporations and institutions.

website | facebook | twitter | instagram

Socialist Action

Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste is an organization of revolutionary socialists across the Canadian state, active in the labour movement, social justice, international solidarity, feminist and environmental campaigns. SA/LAS supporters work to build the NDP Socialist Caucus, Quebec Solidaire, support for indigenous peoples’ struggles, as well as anti-war, anti-poverty and human rights movements. SA/LAS is in solidarity with the Fourth International worldwide.





#Africa4Palestine is a human rights organisation lending solidarity and support to the Palestinian people (and their progressive Jewish Israeli allies) living under Israeli occupation. The organization is involved in awareness raising initiatives, legal campaigns, enhancing government and political relations between Palestine and countries on the African continent as well as strengthening people to people relations between Palestine and Africa.



Ansar of Palestine Association (APA)

Ansar of Palestine Association is a Tunisian Association born from the revolution womb and shone under the rubble of tyranny that killed every free voice which defends Palestine’s right. APA was founded in 11-11-2011 in Tunis; its objectives are defining the Palestinian Rights, supporting and defending it, cooperating with all relevant stakeholders in advocating it; its means are the organization of seminars, meetings, galleries and intellectual, cultural, artistic and sports activities, in order to revive the Palestinian heritage, sending convoys to break the Zionist blockage, use of audiovisual documentation to publicize Palestinian right and detect violations, focus on communication with Palestinians, and so on.

Facebook and contact info

The Good Shepherd Collective

GSC is an anti-Zionist, anti-colonial organization. We work alongside our partners on the ground to openly discuss and address the violent and unjust structures operating in Palestine and provide educational resources and action items to bring us closer to justice. GSC understands oppression to be rooted in the systems and laws that guide civil formation and order. As such, we reject the binary discourse of “Israelis vs. Palestinians” and instead focus our energy on addressing settler-colonialism and other forms of violence by targeting the structures that facilitate these regimes. GSC advocates for structural change, directing our collective energy at policies and laws that underpin these structures through grassroots campaigns. In this way, advocacy campaigns reflect the immediate needs of Palestinians on the the ground while linking grassroots in a transnational call for the rights of all people, building broad coalitions across movements.

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  1. Pingback: Canadian BDS Coalition: 5 Years and Counting | Canadian BDS Coalition

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