Boycott Costco Until its stops selling apartheid Medjoul

Apartheid medjoul have been spotted at Costco’s across the country, as well as other apartheid produce.

Write letter to Costco


Until Costco stops selling apartheid medjoul and other product, the Canadian BDS Coalition calls for a boycott of Costco.

What you can do:

  1. let the local manager know you will not be buying at Costco until they remove all apartheid medjoul and other produce
  2. Contact Costco customer service and let them know you will not be buying at Costco until they remove apartheid medjoul and other produce Customer Service……………………..1-888-426-7826
Call Monday to Friday: 8am to 10pm EST
Call Saturday and Sunday: 8am to 7pm EST

3. Some people may choose to cancel their memberships to support this boycott, letting Costco know the reason why.

4. Share information on Social Media and in other venues, letting people know of the call to boycott Costco as long as they sell apartheid medjoul and other produce.

Learn more about apartheid medjoul and also check out medjoul products that are from Palestine.

Letter you can use to give to local store keeper



2024 Ramadan: Boycott Israeli dates. Break fast with Palestinian Medjoul


Brochures to use for action pickets

BDSCoalition Medjool Pamphlet Colour 1page



BDSCoalition Medjool Pamphlet BW 1page




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