Boycott Apartheid–and Boycott Appropriation of Palestine food

Falafel, hummus, tabouleh, maftoul, the zaatar,  fallahi salad, Nabulsi knafeh, and other Palestinian foods are often appropriated.

 – or more accurately stolen – by Israel’s Jewish colonists over the decades, a whole slew of justifications have emerged in the western press.

Middle Eastern Eye, November 17, 2021

Across Canada, restaurants appropriate Palestinian food, and people are pointing these out. We call you to do your research and be sure that you are supporting Palestinian eateries, and are boycotting apartheid food-washing appropriation.

In the News:

Be sure to support and celebrate their win to get Uber to stop appropriation

Levant Pizza

899 Bloor St W. Toronto


Examples of Appropriation, and/or complicity with war crimes with locations in settlements,

Cafe Landwer -an Israeli company that has locations in Canada and the US,  and attracted international criticism after opening a location in Jerusalem on top of the remains of an important Muslim cemetery

Aroma– store in Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim. Buys milk from Israeli settlements. 15+ years of boycott in Canada.

Miznon Toronto an Israeli restaurant with locations around the world including now Toronto, which features various cultural Palestinian dishes such as hummus and falafel as Israeli foods.

Anti-Palestinian Racism and support of Israel military

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt – CEO Amit Kleinberger attributes his successful enterprise to his time in the Israeli military.

Moxies:  employees fired for supporting a pro-Palestinian protestors in Toronto

Tap & Barrel Restaurants, multiple locations, Vancouver, for hosting pro Israel Uri Goldflam for gathering of British Columbia chapter of YPO, Young Presidents Organization. Restaurant CEO, Daniel Frankel posted statements about this on his social media, but when people referenced the islamophobia he made his account private.

Cake It Toronto, features Israeli flags


These restaurants:




Boycott restaurants supporting Israel

According to the comprehensive list of restaurants with strong ties to Israel, (see the Mayniaga list for the accompanying  proofs) the following restaurants are involved McDonalds, Burger King,  Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Taco Bell, Popeyes.

There is currently a global boycott campaign against McDonalds.  McDonald’s Israeli franchisee has supported the Israeli occupation forces with free McDonald’s meals during the ongoing genocide of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, prompting the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)  to endorse the worldwide boycott campaigns targeting McDonald’s to end complicity in apartheid Israel’s crimes.McDonald’s franchisee in Malaysia, owned by the Saudi company, Lionhorn Pte Ltd, has filed a SLAPP (“Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation”)  lawsuit against BDS Malaysia, a solidarity group advocating justice and equality for Palestinians, accusing it of “defamation” and seeking damages of over $1 million.

The Canadian BDS Coalition calls on all individuals of conscience to boycott all restaurant chains with close ties to apartheid Israel (currently facing the formal accusation of genocide at the International Court of Justice) and all Canadian restaurants whose owners have made public statements in support of Israel’s genocidal campaign or who have in any other way helped to raise funds for the Israel occupation forces currently massacring Palestinian civilians. More than 23, 000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023. Of these more than 10, 000 are children and more than 7, 000 are women.

The Canadian BDS Coalition calls upon members of the public to note any statements made on social media by restaurants supporting Israel’s illegal and immoral campaign in Gaza, to render them public and to boycott those particular restaurants.  In the wake of the genocide taking place in Gaza and the accompanying hundreds of deaths and arrests in the occupied Palestinian West Bank being committed by Israel occupation forces and illegal Israeli settlers, all those who call for the support of Israel’s genocidal campaign are themselves complicit in that genocide.

Please share other restaurants that are supporting apartheid, that are appropriating Palestinian cuisine, that are operating in illegal settlements (war crimes), supporting the Israeli military, practicing anti-Palestinian racism.

Let us know also about Palestinian restaurants across Canada.

To contact the Canadian BDS Coalition:

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