
Pledges to not buy apartheid medjoul from across Canada and around the world

Hundreds of people have taken up the pledge to not buy apartheid medjoul, but more than that seek out where retailers are selling apartheid medjoul and inform them that they need to remove these from their shelves, and not be selling produce from stolen illegally occupied Palestinian land. Pledges from large cities, to small rural […]

Pledges to not buy apartheid medjoul from across Canada and around the world Read More »

Metrobus Ads Denounce Apartheid practices of Israeli Government

Congratulations to Solidarity with Palestine – St. John’s, a member of the Canadian BDS Coalition, who recently put ads on 3 Metrobuses covering  routes in St. John’s and Mount Pearl denouncing apartheid practices of the Israeli government.  The local human rights group joins several international human rights organizations in concluding Israel is committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, and urging people to take action.

Metrobus Ads Denounce Apartheid practices of Israeli Government Read More »

Dozens of fellow artists & civil society organizations ask Justin Bieber to say NO to Apartheid

Dozens of artists and organizations from around the world say #BiebsStay4Justice Fellow artists and civil society organizations ask Justin Bieber to say NO to Apartheid Justice Bieber is scheduled to play in Tel Aviv in October 2022 as part of his “The Justice World Tour” This is his third time performing in apartheid Israel. In

Dozens of fellow artists & civil society organizations ask Justin Bieber to say NO to Apartheid Read More »

Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Indigenous Land Defenders Under Attack

The Canadian BDS Coalition stands in strong solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people’s struggle to defend their territory from Canadian settler colonialism and the Coastal GasLink pipeline. The Coalition denounces what is the reflection of Canada’s own apartheid system. The Indian Act of 1876 is not only the centrepiece of Canadian colonial policy towards Indigenous peoples, but it

Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Indigenous Land Defenders Under Attack Read More »

Canadian BDS Coalition submission to the United Church of Canada Taskforce on Palestine

Canadian BDS Coalition …working together to promote justice for Palestinians. www.bdscoalition.ca bdscoalition@gmail.com March 15, 2020 Dear Rev Dr Martha Ter Kuile and Task Force members: We in the Canadian BDS Coalition were pleased to learn that the United Church of Canada is reviewing the appropriateness of your existing policy, UCC Policy on Palestine and Israel

Canadian BDS Coalition submission to the United Church of Canada Taskforce on Palestine Read More »

Cross Country Day of Action in Solidarity Against Canadian Complicity with Israeli War Crimes and Apartheid

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 18 people will join together from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John’s, Newfoundland to mark a Cross Country Day of Action to name Canadian complicity in regard to war crimes and apartheid by the state of Israel on the people of Palestine.

Cross Country Day of Action in Solidarity Against Canadian Complicity with Israeli War Crimes and Apartheid Read More »

Israeli Law passed which effectively declares itself an apartheid colonial-settler state

The Canadian government is called to condemn this law and uphold its own Special Economic Sanctions Act. “The Canadian government is called upon to immediately condemn Israel’s apartheid law by putting sanctions in place as is required under Canada’s own domestic law. The Canadian BDS Coalition joins with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian BDS

Israeli Law passed which effectively declares itself an apartheid colonial-settler state Read More »

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