#RaptorsDontGo Campaign Has Been Successful

The Canadian BDS Coalition is pleased to announce that the #RaptorsDontGo campaign has been successful. Our campaign was launched in June 2019, immediately following the Raptors victory in the NBA championship.
Now the 2019-20 NBA new season has now begun and there has been no reported public team visit; and continued silence from all of the team owners on this issue. The Canadian BDS Coalition is grateful that this visit did not materialize, as it would have given legitimacy to Israel’s war crimes. We feel the #RaptorsDontGo campaign also demonstrated the strength of popular grassroots campaigns that can mobilize to achieve justice for Palestinians. .

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Encouraging Response from NDP to #IVotePalestine

Response received from NDP leader Jagmeet Singh to letter sent by Canada Palestine Association. In an encouraging move, NDP has responded to #IVotePalestine questions by noting they oppose all human rights abuses committed by Israel, stand for full equality for Arab Israelis, fully support UN resolutions, including 194, right of return, and recognize the rights

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