
Israeli Law passed which effectively declares itself an apartheid colonial-settler state

The Canadian government is called to condemn this law and uphold its own Special Economic Sanctions Act. “The Canadian government is called upon to immediately condemn Israel’s apartheid law by putting sanctions in place as is required under Canada’s own domestic law. The Canadian BDS Coalition joins with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian BDS

Israeli Law passed which effectively declares itself an apartheid colonial-settler state Read More »

Canadian BDS Coalition Working for Freedom, Equity and Justice

The following is a report on the work of the Canadian BDS Coalition during 2017. The Canadian Coalition come together in the spring/summer of 2016. Report from 2017 The Canadian BDS Coalition formed in 2016 bringing together organizations in Canada that support the Palestinian Civil Society Call through the BDS National Coalition (BNC). By the

Canadian BDS Coalition Working for Freedom, Equity and Justice Read More »

Canadian Labour Has Been Supporting Boycott, Divestment for 17 Years

    June 8, 2023, 36K member CUPE Manitoba pass BDS! Joining a 17 year Canadian tradition CUPE Manitoba passes BDS, joining a 17 years of Canadian Labour Movement Support for BDS   Over the 15 year Canadian labour has continued to support boycott, divestment and sanctions, with public sector unions joining in, and in

Canadian Labour Has Been Supporting Boycott, Divestment for 17 Years Read More »

25+ Student Led BDS Victories BDS on Canadian University Campuses

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is supported by multiple Canadian labor groups, various student unions at universities around the country, and the United Church of Canada. (Photo: @bccla/Twitter) Over the last 15 years, there have been at least 25 BDS victories on Canadian University Campuses. Simon Fraser Student Society, Palestinian Liberation Policy, April

25+ Student Led BDS Victories BDS on Canadian University Campuses Read More »

Call on Canadian NDP to follow the Socialist International lead

(Council of the Socialist International meeting at the United Nations, June 2018) Message to NDP From the Canadian BDS Coalition Letter sent to New Democratic Party of Canada from the Canadian BDS Coalition. This follows the Socialist International the association of 140 global political parties, including 35 parties in government, adoption of BDS and call

Call on Canadian NDP to follow the Socialist International lead Read More »

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