Ontario politics

Anti-BDS motion to be debated in Ontario Legislature (again)

The Ontario Legislature will once again debate a motion that seeks to silence supporters of Palestinian human rights and attempts to erroneously connect support for the Palestinian-led movement for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) with anti-Semitism. Motion 36, presented by Conservative MPP Gila Martow, which will debated in the Ontario Legislature on Thursday, December 1, […]

Anti-BDS motion to be debated in Ontario Legislature (again) Read More »

Tell the Ontario government that boycotting Israel is our right

Canadian BDS Coalition member group Independent Jewish Voices has launched a petition calling on the Ontario government of Kathleen Wynne to “support the right of Ontarians to engage in peaceful advocacy for human rights in Israel/Palestine, free from defamation or condemnation from our provincial government”: As you may have heard, Bill 202 – put forward

Tell the Ontario government that boycotting Israel is our right Read More »

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