Canada Supports the Global HP Campaign

HP HP plays a key role in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. It provides technology, equipment and services to the Israeli military, including for the checkpoints and ID card system that underpin Israel’s apartheid policies and its movement restrictions for Palestinians.HP relies on its good image and its contracts with public organisations, civil society bodies and

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Open Shuhada Street 2018 Campaign

  The Canadian BDS Coalition joins with Youth Against Settlements in Hebron and people around the world. for #OpenShuhadaSt Shuhada Street, once the main economic hub in Hebron, has been almost entirely closed to Palestinians since 1994 when an American-born Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire in the Ibrahimi mosque, killing 29 Palestinians and wounding

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Humble but Necessary Step BDS Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Canadian BDS Coalition joins in sharing its gratitude to the Norwegian parliamentarian Bjørnar Moxnes with support of progressive Rødt (Red) Party for officially nominating the BDS movement for Palestinian rights for a Nobel Prize. The Canadian BDS Coalition congratulates the BNC and all those who are mobilizing civil society and decision makers to say

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Omar Barghouti call for South African moment to get Israeli boots off Palestine’s neck

Omar Barghouti is being BANNED by Israel from going to see his mother who is having a critical cancer surgery in Jordan English and Arabic below. Dear all, ?This is to share with you that ?Israel has effectively banned me from traveling to Amman, Jordan to accompany my mother ?during an upcoming critical surgery. My

Omar Barghouti call for South African moment to get Israeli boots off Palestine’s neck Read More »

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