Canadian BDS Coalition: 7+ Years and Counting

The Canadian BDS Coalition: five years and counting. The Coalition founded in April 2016, includes organizations from across Canada that support the end of the occupation, equal rights in historic Palestine and the right of return, and the actions of boycott, divestment and sanctions targeting Israel’s system of settler-colonialism, occupation, and apartheid towards the Palestinian people.

During this time, the Coalition and its member groups have realized a number of victories including Raptors not going to Israel, Air Canada ending its main contract with Israel Areospace Industries mid term, and the non-renewal of a contract with Israel Electric by Hydro Quebec.

Canadian BDS Coalition: 7+ Years and Counting Read More »

The Coalition joins 550+ organizations in call to the UNHRC for Sanctions to hold Israel accountable

Rooted in institutionalised oppression, displacement, and dispossession of the Palestinian people since the start of the Nakba in 1948, Palestinians continue to experience an ongoing-Nakba – an ongoing reality of Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid. Since 3 November 2020, Humsa al-Fawqa, a Palestinian community in the Jordan Valley, has been targeted, raided, and demolished six times by the Israeli occupying authorities.

The Coalition joins 550+ organizations in call to the UNHRC for Sanctions to hold Israel accountable Read More »

Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor!

The Canadian BDS Coalition expresses our strongest solidarity with Olivia Zémor, the president of CAPJPO-EuroPalestine in France. Olivia is being sued by TEVA Pharmaceuticals — the largest Israeli corporation by market value, a producer of generic pharmaceuticals — for publishing the call to #BoycottTEVA on the EuroPalestine website due to the company’s complicity in Israeli apartheid, colonization and occupation.

Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor! Read More »

Highlights for 2020

The following is a report on the work of the Canadian BDS Coalition during 2020. Our 25 member organizations include country-wide, regional and local groups from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island.

The Canadian BDS Coalition was formed in 2016 to bring together organizations in Canada that support the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions

Highlights for 2020 Read More »

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