Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies: 8 Years and Counting

Victories, lessons and memories from 8 years of continuing struggle for justice in Palestine

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Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies Campaigns

Join the Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies in these campaigns to demand justice in Palestine. End Canadian complicity in Israeli war crimes!

Apartheid Free Zones/ List of Shame

Learn about businesses and organizations that support Palestine and find out what to boycott.

2023 Canadian BDS Coalition Highlights

Learn about the campaigns & actions of the Canadian BDS Coalition and its 20+ member groups from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland.

What is BDS?

BDS, or boycott, divestment and sanctions, is a strategy that allows people of conscience around the world to play an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for justice.

For many decades, calls for boycott have been part of the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

In July 2005, Palestinian civil society organizations issued a call for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights. A truly global movement against Israeli Apartheid is rapidly emerging in response to this call.

The Canadian BDS Coalition works to confront the complicity of Canadian and multinational corporations and governments in the ongoing Israeli occupation, apartheid and colonialism inflicted upon the Palestinian people.  The Coalition is pleased that in 2024, it is now has members from other countries as we work together in our own context and international. 


The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies is comprised of groups in Canada and elsewhere that support the global Boycott Israel movement targeting Israel’s system of settler-colonialism, occupation, and apartheid towards the Palestinian people.

Coalition Members

The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies currently has member groups from across the country, as well as a number of national organizations.

Coalition Campaigns

From Boycott TEVA to Boycott HP, learn more about the campaigns that you can work on for a free Palestine!

What's New at the Canadian BDS Coalition

Basis of Unity

The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies is composed of pro-Palestine solidarity groups across Canada and works independently in support of boycott, divestment and sanctions activities against Israel, within the Canadian context, addressing local challenges and concerns.

Canadian BDS Victories

Read more about the various accomplishments of the Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies and affiliated organizations, as well as the Palestine movement more broadly.

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