Shame on Canadian Media

Boycott List of Shame

Canada’s public broadcaster, the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) has a long history of “erasing” Palestine, refusing to even say the word “Palestine” and an anti-Palestinian bias.

‘Do not refer to Palestine or show a map with Palestine as a country’ — the CBC’s Orwellian rules

See a few more examples of CBC’s anti-Palestinian bias at the end of this post.

National Post and Postmedia. This call goes back to the beginning of this century when the National Post published on July 30, 2001 an editorial under the title “Anti-racism, in name only”. The Vancouver Sun on July 31, 2001 reprinted the same editorial as a “Guest Editorial” under the title “The West should shun conferences where the racism deck is stacked”. On August 1, 2001, the Vancouver Sun published an opinion piece by Gerald M. Steinberg under the title “Canada shouldn’t support condemnations of Israel”.

Boycott the Vancouver Sun and the National Post, letter to supporters of the Palestinian people

The Jim Pattison Group- a reactionary Evangelical Christian Zionist (or as the Israeli media called him, an “Evangelical billionaire”) who has financially supported many right-wing projects, including last year a donation of NIS 10.6 million ($2.9 million) to “Israeli Roots Journey”. This project is run by the group Mibereshit(1), is co-funded by the Israeli state, and has been referred to by some teachers in Israel as “incessant indoctrination”. Boycott all divisions and outlets(3) of the enormous and global Jim Pattison group, which boasts 455 locations world wide. Join us by endorsing this campaign and sending the message that oppression of the Palestinian people will not be tolerated!!

Boycott The Jim Pattison Group‏

Stingray Radio – operates 100 radio stations across Canada and has an office in Tel Aviv Israel, They have been at the forefront especially the radio host, Brett Mineer, at CHNL 610 in Kamloops BC who has been perpetuating pro Israeli false propaganda on his radio show as well as his Twitter account and and has been actively silencing  Pro-Palestinian activists voices both on his radio show as well as on his Twitter account by blocking them. His ill-actions are being investigated by Canada’s regulators CBSC–in fact ,the CBSC has received a large number of complaints concerning comments made by Brett Mineer on NL Newsday broadcast on CHNL (Stingray Radio) on October 27, 2023. Accordingly, they indicate that while the CBSC will be dealing with this broadcast under its normal process, it is not able to accept any further complaints! Leadership is directly involved in JNF leadership and fundraising, specifically, senior vice-president and counsel Lloyd Feldman (who according to the Stingray website raising money for the JNF) member of the corporate governance and human resources committees, Claudine Blondin (whose family foundation provides support to the JNF) and former Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre who is Stingray special advisor and is co-chair of the Negev JNF fundraising dinner. To find their radio stationsaudio channelsTV channels, and other products.

Palestinian journalist fired at CTV

Omni/Rogers sponsored Eurovision

EUROVISION: Canadians Call to STOP Artwashing War Crimes and Apartheid

Bell Media thought military occupier violence was a “clash”

Al-Aqsa Under Attack: Tell Bell Media it is not “clashes.” It is violation of international law.

Toronto Star

See response from the Toronto Star Public Editor: The Toronto Star does not have its own reporters in the region and thus relies on other news agencies for coverage from the area. The articles highlighted in your notes were written by the Associated Press. Corrections or edits to AP stories are done by the news agency.

Media Alert: Response by the Toronto Star

The Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star have treated the UofT Law withdrawal of an offer of employment to human rights scholar Dr Valentina Azarova  as an isolated scandal of procedural interference, obscuring the broader and escalating climate of silencing regarding Palestine of which this is just one manifestation.

Canadian media repression of Palestine

More CBC Erasure of Palestine

Is CBC Ombudsman impartial in his IHRA Vancouver review?

CBC Ombudsman says apology “unwise”, but anti-Palestinian language guide is “reasonable”

CBC still mulling over its anti-Palestinian bias

CBC Insists on Erasing Palestinian National Identity

CBC Denies Palestine’s Existence

CBC: False and pro Israeli narrative

Biased CBC Coverage‏

CBC serves the interests of the Mubarak dictatorship?‏

CBC still mulling over its anti-Palestinian bias

CBC Insists on Erasing Palestinian National Identity

CBC Denies Palestine’s Existence

CBC Ombudsman Responds to our Complaint – Was it Worth the Wait??

CBC Influenced by Zionist Lobby

CBC: False and pro Israeli narrative

Biased CBC Coverage‏

CBC serves the interests of the Mubarak dictatorship?‏

Nakba73: Flash Picket for Palestine

Solidarity Vigil with Palestine – Denounce Land Day Massacre

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