
EUROVISION: Canadians Call to STOP Artwashing War Crimes and Apartheid

Next week Eurovision happens in the Zionist State. However, it is with a taint of international condemnation as the world speaks out against Art-washing of war crimes, apartheid and denial of rights of return. While Canada has NO artists attending Madonna took up the Canadian zionist $1 M USD carrot to play at EUROVISION. Shame […]

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Partial Victory: Bombardier pulls out of Israeli settler railway.

Electronic Intifada broke the story on May 9, 2019 The following letter has been sent to Bombardier thanking them for standing with international humanitarian law and war crimes, and also asking for clarification on the contract signed earlier for equipment. The Jerusalem light rail which links Israel’s illegal West Bank colonies is a symbol of oppression

Partial Victory: Bombardier pulls out of Israeli settler railway. Read More »

Air Canada

Air Canada Partial Victory

Air Canada Cancels Maintenance Contract with Israel Aerospace Industries For Immediate ReleaseNov. 5, 2017 The Canadian BDS Coalition was recently informed by Air Canada management that the 5-year, multi-million dollar contract with Israel Aerospace Industries Bedek Group [IAI] for heavy maintenance on Air Canada B767 jets was terminated in “early 2017”, with two years remaining. The

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Canadian Financial Institutions: Complicit with Violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention

Israeli Illegal Settlement . Photo: Montecruz Foto via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) Four Canadian Financial Institutions, BMO, RBC, Scotiabank and Manulife have been listed on Bank Track as owning and managing shares in two Israeli Banks, Bank Leumi and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank. Both these Israeli banks are active in and profiting from Israeli settlements in

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Open Letter from Canadian BDS Coalition to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal

Over 5,000 signatures to date on this call: Don’t Dance on the Ruins of Palestinian Childhood. Add your signature by clicking HERE. December 18, 2018. The following letter has been sent to: Pablo Rodriquez, Federal Minister of Heritage Ambassador Deborah Lyons, Canadian Ambassador to Israel Kennedy Stewart, Mayor of Vancouver Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal

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Ballet BC, don’t dance on the ruins of Palestinian childhood

See article in Mondoweiss by Marion Kawas on October 31, 2018   Campaign organizers are calling on Ballet BC (and now the 2 other dance companies as well) to take a stand and not perform in Israel, which would be a permanent stain on their records. They are also calling on solidarity activists, both locally

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BC Attorney General Stonewalls on Israeli Wines in BC Liquor Store

17 OCTOBER 2018 Canada Palestine Association BC Attorney General David Eby finally responded to two of the initiating groups on an Open Letter, regarding BC government liquor stores carrying Israeli wines in violation of international humanitarian laws. Mr. Eby refused to meet with representatives of the 30 groups who sponsored and endorsed the letter, and

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Israeli Law passed which effectively declares itself an apartheid colonial-settler state

The Canadian government is called to condemn this law and uphold its own Special Economic Sanctions Act. “The Canadian government is called upon to immediately condemn Israel’s apartheid law by putting sanctions in place as is required under Canada’s own domestic law. The Canadian BDS Coalition joins with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian BDS

Israeli Law passed which effectively declares itself an apartheid colonial-settler state Read More »

Let’s cut the current between

Hydro-Québec and Israel Electric Sign petition at: The partnership between Hydro-Québec and Israel Electric is revealed by BDS-Québec Sign the petition to demand that Hydro-Québec terminate its agreement to cooperate on cyber security with Israel Electric Corporation concluded on May 22, 2017. This memorandum of understanding is in fact a contract between two states:

Let’s cut the current between Read More »

Canadian BDS Coalition Working for Freedom, Equity and Justice

The following is a report on the work of the Canadian BDS Coalition during 2017. The Canadian Coalition come together in the spring/summer of 2016. Report from 2017 The Canadian BDS Coalition formed in 2016 bringing together organizations in Canada that support the Palestinian Civil Society Call through the BDS National Coalition (BNC). By the

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