On International Day of Charity, September 5, rallies were held held at about 20 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) offices across the country to challenge the CRA over its lax attitude towards charities assisting Israel’s genocide. In what may be the largest ever coordinated protest at CRA offices, activists are simply calling on the revenue agency to uphold its own rules regarding registered charities financing illegal West Bank colonies, racist organizations and foreign militaries.

The Canadian BDS Coalition and International BDS Allies were pleased to be one of the sponsors of this Day of Action.

Stay tune for the next day of action, in what’s look like may be a monthly happening.

“On International Day of Charity we are telling the Canada Revenue Agency that groups promoting genocide shouldn’t be considered charity,” noted Karen Rodman of Just Peace Advocates. “Forcing all Canadians to subsidize the Israeli military, racist organizations and West Bank colonies is a perversion of charity”, added Rodman


Check out the action, and get ready for next month Day of Action!



