Apartheid Baby Products

You’ve heard of greenwashing and pinkwashing, but have you heard of babywashing? While Israel continues its brutal genocidal assault against the Palestinian people, which includes the massacre of over 15,000 children, it continues to promote itself as an “innovative baby-tech powerhouse”.

For 8 months — and indeed for 76 years — Israel has been committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people. But even by the 4 month mark, the number of Palestinian children killed was higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars around the world combined.

It cannot be overstated how wrong it is for the state which is responsible for engaging in a war on children to be proudly promoting and making money off of baby products. Here are some of the brands that should be avoided at all costs.

Nanit: Nanit (parent company Udisense Inc.) is a baby monitor company that markets itself as a “sleep coach” for babies. They say as part of their ethos that they “believe in the healing properties of a good night’s sleep”. It has been over 6 months since the children of Gaza have had a good night’s sleep, and even then, given the siege and occupation, their sleep has never been under truly safe conditions.

Nanobebe: Nanobene (parent company Nutrits Ltd.) is company that focuses on baby feeding and accessories products. Nutrits’ VP of Clinical Operations, Sharron Bransburg Zabary, leads the National Human Milk Bank of Israel. At the beginning of Israel’s attacks in October 2023, this organization provided breast milk for babies whose mothers were deployed in the IOF, killing Palestinian babies.

Doona: Doona manufactures car seats, strollers and other accessories. Doona’s Founder, Yoav Mazar, states as his inspiration that he wanted to keep “the most precious thing in my life safe – my newborn daughter.” Since October 2023, more than 20,000 babies have been born in the Gaza Strip, where mothers and their infants have little to no access to adequate medical care, nutrition and protection as the healthcare system has collapsed under relentless Israeli bombardment.

Say no to babywashing and boycott these brands!


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