Olivia Zémor

The French Court of Appeal of Lyon confirmed the acquittal of Olivia Zémor

From the European Legal Support Center: On 5 May 2022, The French Court of Appeal of Lyon confirmed the acquittal of Olivia Zémor, issued last year by a French criminal court in Lyon (Tribunal Correctionnel de Lyon) on 18 May 2021. This decision is another recognition of the legitimacy of the BDS (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) call.  Olivia […]

The French Court of Appeal of Lyon confirmed the acquittal of Olivia Zémor Read More »

Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor!

Solidarity with Olivia Zémor, president of the CAPJPO-EuroPalestine association, who is going to court on January 27 in Lyon for relaunch of boycott actions of TEVA! Through its financial contribution to the State of Israel, this Israeli pharmaceutical firm is an accomplice to Israeli apartheid. Supporting Olivia Zémor is supporting Israel’s right to boycott, its legality as its political legitimacy as a tool for anti-colonialist mobilization.

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Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor!

The Canadian BDS Coalition expresses our strongest solidarity with Olivia Zémor, the president of CAPJPO-EuroPalestine in France. Olivia is being sued by TEVA Pharmaceuticals — the largest Israeli corporation by market value, a producer of generic pharmaceuticals — for publishing the call to #BoycottTEVA on the EuroPalestine website due to the company’s complicity in Israeli apartheid, colonization and occupation.

Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor! Read More »

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