Endorsement of the International Week of Action–Resisting Genocide: Boycott for Palestinian Liberation (October 4-13, 2024)

Endorsers joining the Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies call in the support of Palestinian liberation  joining in a week of boycott action from October 4 through 13, 2024, marking one year of genocide and one year of resistance – amid 76 years of genocide and 76 years of resistance – to end the genocide now and liberate Palestine!

Endorsing organizations

#Africa4Pastine Cape Town
Al Jama-ah Cape Town, South Africa
Al-Furqan Institute South Africa
Americans Committed to Justice and Truth Bakersfield, USA
BDS Vancouver Coast Salish Territories Vancouver
Canada Palestine Association Vancouver
Canadian Peace Congress Chapters Across English speaking Canada
Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (CJPHL) Canada
Climate Justice UBC (CJUBC) Vancouver, Canada
Collectif Palestine Vaincra Toulouse, France
Crescent Justice Collective Vancouver, Canada
Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships Victoria, Canada
Eastern Cape Palestine Solidarity Eastern Cape, South Africa
Edmonton Small Press Assn Edmonton, Canada
Free Gaza movement Washington DC
Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) USA
Friends of the Frail Gqeberha, South Africa
GHCC,GEPHTT, Taaibosch Kei Korana Royal House Johannesburg
Global Peace Alliance BC Society Surrey, British Columbia
Good Shepherd Collective Beit Sahour, Palestine
Greater Toronto for BDS Toronto
Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War Hamilton, ON
Hochelaga pour la Palestine Montreal Canada
Human Without Borders Hamilton
Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver Vancouver
Indiana Center for Middle East Peace Fort Wayne, IN USA
International Jewish Antizionist Network San Francisco, USA
Iqra Learning Centre South Africa
Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMASA) KZN, GAUTENG & WESTERN CAPE
Jewish Network for Palestine UK
Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste Canada
Justice For All Canada Toronto, ON, Canada
Kader Abdulla Art Gqeberha, South Africa
Kiko Jakarta, Indonesia
KSAMB Dance Company Saskatoon, Canada
KZN Palestine Solidarity Forum South Africa
KZNPALART South Africa
Lebanese Communist party Beirut, Lebanon
Media Review Network Johannesburg, South Africa
Montreal for a World BEYOND War Montreal, Canada
Naturopathic Doctors for Environmental and Social Trust Canada
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI) St. Catharines ON
NYC Jericho Amnesty Movement NYC, United States
Ontario Palestinian Rights Association (OPRA) Oakville. Ontario. Canada
Our Cape Town Heritage Cape Town, South Africa
Palestine House Mississauga, Ontario
Palestine Impact Collective Toronto, Canada
Palestine Solidarity Alliance South Africa
Palestine Solidarity Association UWC Cape Town, South Africa
Palestine Solidarity Campaign – South Africa Cape Town
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU) Montreal, Canada
Palestinian Solidarity Organisation at Mandela University Gqeberha, South Africa
Pax Christi Toronto Toronto, Canada
Pretoria Muslim Women United South Africa
Promenademondays Cape Town, South Africa
Puget Sound Revolutionary Student Union USA (Puget Sound local)
Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism! San Francisco, USA
Red Card Israel Johannesburg, South Africa
Regina Peace Council Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Righting Relations Canada Canada
Salaamedia – Humanitarian Journalists South Africa
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network International
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste cross-country
Solidarité Sherbrooke-Gaza Sherbrooke
South Africa Palestine Movement Durban, South Africa
South African Muslim Network Durban, South Africa
South End Museum Gqeberha
Sports Stepping Stones Cape Town, South Africa
SQU Muscat
Textiles for Justice South Africa
The James Black Gallery Association Vancouver
The Ottawa Muslim Associstion Ottawa
Toronto Palestinian Families Toronto
Tough Convos Toronto
Uwais Qarni Islamic Centre South Africa
UWindsor Palestinian Solidarity Group Windsor
Women Relief Aid South Sudan
Youth For Al-Quds (SA) South Africa

Add your organizational endorsement: https://tinyurl.com/EndorseBoycott4Liberation

Organize boycott actions at local stores, government buildings and other facilities, mobilize mass marches and demonstrations, hold political education events, take direct action, flyer, sticker, poster and act for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Target Zionist products and complicit companies, educate your community about the boycott movement, mobilize on campus for divestment, expose the complicity of corporate and state-backed media,  confront Zionist “charities” funding the “Israeli” war machine,  and demand the full international isolation of the Zionist regime.


Join us for a week of action that will include:

  • Day of Action for Palestinian Children

  • Day of Action for Palestinian Journalists

  • Day of Action for Palestinian Political Prisoners

  • Day of Action for the Palestinian Resistance

  • Day of Action for Palestinian Refugees & The Right to Return

The struggle for the right to return and the liberation of Palestine is being led by the Palestinian people and especially by the armed resistance on the front lines in Palestine and throughout the region. This is not only a struggle to bring the past 12 months of extreme genocidal aggression to an end, but for the liberation of Palestine. At the same time, we see the complicity and direct responsibility of the United States, Canada, Britain, and European Union states for the ongoing genocide, through ongoing weapons sales and unlimited political, diplomatic and military support for the genocidal regime.

We urge all groups to endorse the Week, join in, take action, and organize your own events. We will provide posters and other materials that you can use in your actions, and we invite you to become part of our planning team to share your ideas with other organizations that are part of the Week of Action. Let’s come together for a powerful International Week of Action for Boycott for Palestinian Liberation!

Register your events: https://tinyurl.com/Boycott4Liberation


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