International Day of Charity, Sept. 5, Day of Action at Canada Revenue Agency Offices

Not one cent of Canadian tax dollars should be funding genocide

Actions are being planned on International Day of Charity, September 5th. Montreal, Sherbrooke, London, Toronto Regina and other places across Canada are planning days of action. There are over 50 CRA offices across Canada. Consider joining in the day of action.

Find your nearest CRA office & organize an action: CRA Office  locations –

Let us know if you are planning an action by completing details HERE

Details on the locations & time of actions in various cities are posted here!

We applaud the Canada Revenue Agency for recently revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund and Ne’eman Foundation. But, JNF and Ne’eman Foundation are two of dozens of Israel-focused charities that have violated CRA rules by assisting colonies in the West Bank, racist organizations and the Israeli military.

Over the past several years detailed complaints have been submitted to the CRA asking it to investigate more than a dozen other Israel-focused charities, including the Canadian Zionist Cultural Association, Mizrachi Canada, Charity Partners Canada, Jerusalem Heritage Foundation of Canada and HESEG Foundation.. The CRA should investigate these organizations and others assisting West Bank colonies and the Israeli military.

Over 200 registered charities funnel over a quarter billion dollars in subsidized donations to Israel annually, which has a per capita GDP equal to Canada’s. As NDP revenue critic Niki Ashton recently posted “Not one cent of Canadian tax dollars should be funding genocide.

Read more about your tax dollars supporting genocide, war crimes, and settler-colonialism.

Canadian Charities providing money towards Palestinian dispossession

Revoke Charities Now: Stop Tax Subsidizing Israeli settlements through Canadian Charities

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