National Day of Action: June 25, Shame on Scotia, Shut Elbit Down



Join with people from across Canada and Quebec for a National Day of Action to demand Scotiabank divest from Elbit.

The campaign began by the Canadian BDS Coalition and International BDS Allies has grown and been adopted by activists across Canada and beyond.

Let us know if you are planning an action, and check out resources at a new website developed by those supporting the June 25th call.


Scotiabank #ShutElbitDown

Join the campaign to let Scotiabank know that we are not going to sit idly by while they invest in Israeli war crimes.

Mar 15: No Business as Usual for Scotiabank

Let’s keep up the pressure, our grassroots campaign is working. ScotiaBank reduced its Elbit Systems investment in the last quarter, but still stands as the largest foreign investor in this Israeli arms company, profiting off the killing and maiming of Palestinians.

18 ScotiaBank Branches Adopted so far for March 15 Day of Action to End Genocide Profiteering!

Photo/Video Highlights from Vancouver Nov. 18 Rally/March , Shame on Scotiabank, #ShutElbitDown

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