The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies

We are pleased to announce that we now are “The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies.”  The change in name is to reflect the new groups from outside Canada which have joined.







We welcome


#Africa4Palestine is a human rights organisation lending solidarity and support to the Palestinian people (and their progressive Jewish Israeli allies) living under Israeli occupation. The organization is involved in awareness raising initiatives, legal campaigns, enhancing government and political relations between Palestine and countries on the African continent as well as strengthening people to people relations between Palestine and Africa.



Ansar of Palestine Association (APA)

Ansar of Palestine Association is a Tunisian Association born from the revolution womb and shone under the rubble of tyranny that killed every free voice which defends Palestine’s right. APA was founded in 11-11-2011 in Tunis; its objectives are defining the Palestinian Rights, supporting and defending it, cooperating with all relevant stakeholders in advocating it; its means are the organization of seminars, meetings, galleries and intellectual, cultural, artistic and sports activities, in order to revive the Palestinian heritage, sending convoys to break the Zionist blockage, use of audiovisual documentation to publicize Palestinian right and detect violations, focus on communication with Palestinians, and so on.

Facebook and contact info

The Good Shepherd Collective

GSC is an anti-Zionist, anti-colonial organization. We work alongside our partners on the ground to openly discuss and address the violent and unjust structures operating in Palestine and provide educational resources and action items to bring us closer to justice. GSC understands oppression to be rooted in the systems and laws that guide civil formation and order. As such, we reject the binary discourse of “Israelis vs. Palestinians” and instead focus our energy on addressing settler-colonialism and other forms of violence by targeting the structures that facilitate these regimes. GSC advocates for structural change, directing our collective energy at policies and laws that underpin these structures through grassroots campaigns. In this way, advocacy campaigns reflect the immediate needs of Palestinians on the the ground while linking grassroots in a transnational call for the rights of all people, building broad coalitions across movements.

Website   X


These groups join with over 20 groups from across Canada and Quebec.

See the full list at:

Coalition Members


The Canadian BDS Coalition was founded in April 2016, and so has just celebrated its 8th anniversary, of groups form across Canada and Quebec working together in solidarity in support of the liberation of Palestine.

Our founding minutes detailing our basis of unity from April 2016 highlighted why the name Canadian BDS Coalition was chosen – “New Name:  Canadian BDS Coalition.  (Good unequivocal answer to the Parliamentary condemnation)”

This was in response to the February 2016 condemnation of BDS in the Canadian House of Commons and the logic of it still stands today. Recently, PM Trudeau again went out of his way to discredit BDS during his salute to Israel’s “Independence Day”.

Read more about us

About the Coalition

Member groups support the Basis of Unity

Basis of Unity

If your organization is interested in joining, and you are in agreement with the Basis of Unity, be in touch at

We are in the process of updating our branding to reflect this change.

Check out a few highlights from over the last eight years.


Canadian BDS Coalition: 7+ Years and Counting


And stay tuned for more information as we work together in support of Palestine’s liberation.

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