Breaking News, March 24, 2022
Congratulations to UBC AMS on their successful divestment motion, UBC SPHR and the other 19 organizations involved in bringing the motion forward.
UBC students join with two Montreal universities, McGill and Concordia and the University of Toronto in successful motions calling for boycott and/or divestment from companies that support Israeli apartheid.
See the list of 25 BDS victories at Canadian university campuses
The UBC AMS Council voted ‘yes’ to demand the university divest from companies involved in or complicit in human rights violations against Palestinians.
The AMS student society voted to write a letter regarding the “the Israeli state’s system of apartheid and its occupation of Palestine” and calling on the Board of Governors and UBC to divest from nine companies. These nine companies either appear in the UN database for businesses involved in activities that were deemed to be “human rights violations concerns or or are other companies that have been cited to be violating the human rights of Palestinians.
Message from
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – UBC