Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor!

The Canadian BDS Coalition continues to stand in solidarity with with Olivia Zémor.

Solidarity with Olivia Zémor, president of the CAPJPO-EuroPalestine association, who is going to court on January 27 in Lyon for relaunch of boycott actions of TEVA! Through its financial contribution to the State of Israel, this Israeli pharmaceutical firm is an accomplice to Israeli apartheid. Supporting Olivia Zémor is supporting Israel’s right to boycott, its legality as its political legitimacy as a tool for anti-colonialist mobilization.

#BoycottTEVA #BoycottIsrael

Update from Olivia, Febuary 1, 2022


Dear Friends, 

We would like to thank the very many people and associations from all over the world who have given us their support during this last appeal trial against TEVA and three associations of the Israeli lobby (the “National Bureau of Vigilance against Antisemitism” – BNVCA, as well as “France Israel” and “Avocats sans frontières”, chaired by William Goldnadel, protector and friend of the criminal on the run in Israel, Grégory Chelly, also known as Ulcan).

The judgment will not be rendered by the Lyon Court of Appeal until May 5, as we have indicated on our website

But we were very impressed and very touched by the demonstrations of solidarity and protest against this new attempt to criminalize BDS, in multiple cities in France (Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris…) and abroad, where BDS activists have even brought letters to French embassies and consulates (Belgium, England, Australia, etc). In Italy, protest demonstrations took place not only in Rome, but in Pisa, Bologna, Milan and Turin! (See our site: just click on the TEVA trial banner on our home page)

A big thank you also to all our witnesses, those who were able to travel physically, like those who sent us important testimonies from Palestine on how Israel is seriously harming the health of the Palestinians.

Thank you to the Israeli opponents who made the trip to Lyon as well as to those who sent us decisive testimonies about the way in which TEVA, the most important commercial and industrial company in Israel, profits in a shameless way from the occupation and colonization.

Indeed, Israel prohibits Palestinians from developing their own generic drugs and does not even allow Palestinians from the occupied territories to buy cheaper drugs in other countries. TEVA therefore finds itself in a monopoly situation and sells its drugs to Palestinians at high prices, without taking into account the rule observed by the international pharmaceutical industry which consists in fixing the prices of drugs according to the standard of living of each country (a Palestinian diabetic patient pays for his insulin as much as a German patient! )

TEVA, exempt from customs duties and checkpoints, does not even take the trouble to write in Arabic all the instructions for its medicines intended for the Palestinians, which can have serious consequences. 

And as an example of apartheid practiced directly by TEVA, its subsidiary SLE provided anti-covid vaccines to settlers illegally settled on Palestinian lands, but not to Palestinians on these same lands. This took place while Israel was cited as a model for vaccination. 

Last Thursday’s trial in Lyon lasted 11 hours (!!) and, unsurprisingly, the civil parties spouted their lies and enormities, most often unrelated to the subject. The BNVCA lawyer, for example, spent no less than half an hour extolling the merits of the great Israeli democracy (spitting on the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, and asking for a sentence of one year in prison against Olivia Zémor).

TEVA and the William Goldnadel’s associations pretended that we intimidate (even force) consumers into sticking a no-TEVA sticker on their health card, endangering their health, as if TEVA were the only generic brand available in France!

Their witness Richard Prasquier, ex-president of CRIF (supposed to represent French Jews, but actually representing Israeli interests) came to the bar to say that our only motivation was “hatred of Jews”…

Our witnesses and our two lawyers, Me Dominique Cochain, and Me Grégory Thuan (who is the lawyer behind the judgment rendered in favor of the citizen boycott of Israeli products by the European Court of Human Rights on 11 June 2020) have brilliantly set the record straight and demonstrated how anti-Semitism is weaponized, in the absence of any other argument to defend Israel’s colonial and apartheid policy. They proved, contrary to the assertions of the civil parties, that the boycott of Israel and its products, without the slightest violence or racist speech, was not only legal but legitimate.

Finally, the prosecutor agreed with us and did not require any condemnation against Olivia Zémor, considering that the offenses of which she was accused (defamation and discrimination inciting hatred and violence) were not constituted.

Judgment on May 5th.

In the meantime, we are awaiting a result that we hope will be favorable to the release of Georges Abdallah on February 10 (after the hearing on January 27 before the Paris administrative court).

All the best,

CAPJPO-EuroPalestine :

The Canadian BDS Coalition continues to stand in solidarity with with Olivia Zémor.

Solidarity with Olivia Zémor, president of the CAPJPO-EuroPalestine association, who is going to court on January 27 in Lyon for relaunch of boycott actions of TEVA! Through its financial contribution to the State of Israel, this Israeli pharmaceutical firm is an accomplice to Israeli apartheid. Supporting Olivia Zémor is supporting Israel’s right to boycott, its legality as its political legitimacy as a tool for anti-colonialist mobilization.

#BoycottTEVA #BoycottIsrael

On January 27, Olivia Zemor, president of EuroPalestine, will once again face a legal complaint from TEVA, the massive Israeli pharmaceutical company, backed by far-right Zionist organizations.

TEVA is appealing because she already defeated this attempt to silence advocacy for Palestine and the boycott of Israel in court last year. TEVA is bringing Olivia Zemor to court again because she posted a call for the boycott of TEVA.

TEVA provides millions of dollars in tax revenue to the Israeli colonial occupation regime and its military.

Supporting Olivia Zémor is supporting the right to boycott Israel and fighting back against the criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe.

We stand with Olivia Zémor and the right to boycott Israel.

Check out resources from Samidoun, a member of the Canadian BDS Coalition.

Canadian BDS Coalition statement from March 2021

Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor!

Boycott TEVA – Apartheid is BAD Medicine

The Canadian BDS Coalition says “Boycott TEVA–Apartheid is BAD Medicine”

Since 2019, the Canadian BDS Coalition has joined in the BDS Vancouver campaign Boycott TEVA-Apartheid is Bad MedicineLIKE the FACEBOOK PAGE to follow the campaign.

Boycott TEVA, the Israeli pharmaceutical company that is one of the largest generic drug manufacturers in the world.

Order a strip of our “No TEVA” stickers for free by clicking on the Send Message button at the top right of this page and letting us know where to send your Boycott TEVA kit. Or just tell your regular pharmacy to put a permanent “No TEVA” note on your file!

Statements below in English, French and Arabic from CAPJPO-EuroPalestine

January 2022

Dear Friends,


As you know, on May 18 we won the lawsuit brought against us by TEVA, as well as three pro-Israeli associations, with a request for condemnation from the French government.

It was only fair, especially since the European Court of Human Rights had legitimized in June 2020 the call for a boycott of Israeli products, in the absence of violence and racist remarks, and condemned France to pay 100,000 euros in damages to BDS activists in Mulhouse, unjustly condemned by our government.

But the judicial harassment is there, since the same people have appealed the decision of the Lyon tribunal, and we will therefore appear again, on January 27, this time before the Lyon Court of Appeal.

We are confronted with the same weaponization of anti-Semitism accusations, the same desire to intimidate those who defend the rights of the Palestinians.

In vain. The international BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) campaign continues to grow, as we have seen after the accusations of anti-Semitism against Emma Watson, the British actress who plays in Harry Potter, or with the massive defections at the festival dance in Sydney, Australia, after the artists learned that the Israeli Embassy was sponsoring the event.

 And it is not the multiplication of Israeli crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories or against the Bedouins in the Negev, nor the brutal repression against Palestinian prisoners that will improve the image of the occupier.

We would like to thank all our friends in France and abroad who show their solidarity with Olivia Zémor (see our website The article in Mediapart signed by two great jurists, the magistrate Ghislain Poissonnier, and the professor of international humanitarian law at Sciences Po Paris, Patrick Zahnd, also helped to enlighten the public on the good reasons we have for boycotting generic medicines from the Israeli firm TEVA. (

We are organizing a protest rally against this judicial harassment in Paris this Saturday, January 22 at 3 p.m. It will take place in the center of Paris, at the Fontaine des Innocents, (at the corner of rue Pierre Lescot and rue Berger. Exit from the Forum des Halles Porte Lescot or M° Châtelet ). Be numerous to come and affirm with us that the boycott of Israel and its products is not only a right, but a duty.

The Lyon Collectif for Palestine calls for a rally in front of the Lyon Court of Appeal on Thursday January 27 from 12:30 p.m. (1 Rue du palais de justice (quai Romain-Rolland) LYON 5°).

We are also counting a lot on you to circulate our communication, and share our daily videos on the boycott of TEVA, which you can access by clicking on the banner of our site are subtitled in English.

Best wishes


Chères amies, Chers amis,

Comme vous le savez, nous avons gagné le 18 mai dernier le procès que nous faisait TEVA, ainsi que trois officines israéliennes, avec demande de condamnation de la part du gouvernement.

Ce n’était que justice, d’autant que la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme avait légitimé en juin 2020 l’appel au boycott des produits israéliens, en l’absence de violence et de propos racistes, et condamné la France à payer 100 000 euros de dommages et intérêts aux militants BDS de Mulhouse, injustement condamnés par notre gouvernement.

Mais l’acharnement judiciaire est au rendez-vous, puisque les mêmes ont fait appel de la décision du tribunal lyonnais, et nous comparaîtrons donc à nouveau, le 27 janvier prochain, cette fois devant la Cour d’Appel de Lyon.

Même chantage à l’antisémitisme, même volonté d’intimider celles et ceux qui défendent les droits des Palestiniens.

En vain. La campagne internationale BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions), ne cesse de se développer comme on l’a vu après les accusations d’antisémitisme contre Emma Watson, l’actrice britannique qui joue dans Harry Potter, ou encore avec les défections massives au festival de danse à Sydney, en Australie, après que les artistes eurent appris que l’ambassade d’Israël sponsorisait cet événement.

Et ce n’est pas la multiplication des crimes israéliens dans les territoires palestiniens occupés ou contre les Bédouins dans le Neguev, ni la répression brutale contre les prisonnier(e)s palestiniens qui vont améliorer l’image de l’occupant.

Nous remercions tous nos amis en France et à l’étranger qui manifestent leur solidarité avec Olivia Zémor (cf notre site La tribune dans Médiapart de deux grands juristes, le magistrat Ghislain Poissonnier, et le professeur de droit international humanitaire à Sciences Po Paris, Patrick Zahnd, ont également contribué à éclairer le public sur les bonnes raisons que nous avons de boycotter les médicaments génériques de la firme israélienne TEVA. (

Nous organisons un rassemblement de protestation contre cet acharnement judiciaire à Paris ce samedi 22 janvier à 15 H à la Fontaine des Innocents, à l’angle de la rue Pierre Lescot et de la rue Berger (Sortie du Forum des Halles Porte Lescot ou M° Châtelet).

Soyez nombreux à venir affirmer avec nous que le boycott d’Israël et de ses produits n’est pas seulement un droit, mais un devoir.

Le Collectif 69 pour la Palestine appelle pour sa part à un rassemblement devant la Cour d’Appel de Lyon le jeudi 27 janvier à partir de 12 H 30 (1 Rue du palais de justice (quai Romain-Rolland) Lyon 5°).

Nous comptons également beaucoup sur vous pour relayer notre communication, et partager nos vidéos quotidiennes sur le boycott de TEVA, auxquelles vous pouvez accéder en cliquant sur le bandeau de notre site



On January 27, Olivia Zemor, president of EuroPalestine, will once again face a legal complaint from TEVA, the massive Israeli pharmaceutical company, backed by far-right Zionist organizations.

TEVA is appealing because she already defeated this attempt to silence advocacy for Palestine and the boycott of Israel in court last year. TEVA is bringing Olivia Zemor to court again because she posted a call for the boycott of TEVA.

TEVA provides millions of dollars in tax revenue to the Israeli colonial occupation regime and its military.

Supporting Olivia Zémor is supporting the right to boycott Israel and fighting back against the criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe.

We stand with Olivia Zémor and the right to boycott Israel.

Check out resources from Samidoun, a member of the Canadian BDS Coalition.

Canadian BDS Coalition statement from March 2021

Boycott Israel, Boycott TEVA, Free Palestine! Solidarity with Olivia Zémor!

Boycott TEVA – Apartheid is BAD Medicine

The Canadian BDS Coalition says “Boycott TEVA–Apartheid is BAD Medicine”

Since 2019, the Canadian BDS Coalition has joined in the BDS Vancouver campaign Boycott TEVA-Apartheid is Bad MedicineLIKE the FACEBOOK PAGE to follow the campaign.

Boycott TEVA, the Israeli pharmaceutical company that is one of the largest generic drug manufacturers in the world.

Order a strip of our “No TEVA” stickers for free by clicking on the Send Message button at the top right of this page and letting us know where to send your Boycott TEVA kit. Or just tell your regular pharmacy to put a permanent “No TEVA” note on your file!

Statements below in English, French and Arabic from CAPJPO-EuroPalestine

January 2022

Dear Friends,


As you know, on May 18 we won the lawsuit brought against us by TEVA, as well as three pro-Israeli associations, with a request for condemnation from the French government.

It was only fair, especially since the European Court of Human Rights had legitimized in June 2020 the call for a boycott of Israeli products, in the absence of violence and racist remarks, and condemned France to pay 100,000 euros in damages to BDS activists in Mulhouse, unjustly condemned by our government.

But the judicial harassment is there, since the same people have appealed the decision of the Lyon tribunal, and we will therefore appear again, on January 27, this time before the Lyon Court of Appeal.

We are confronted with the same weaponization of anti-Semitism accusations, the same desire to intimidate those who defend the rights of the Palestinians.

In vain. The international BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) campaign continues to grow, as we have seen after the accusations of anti-Semitism against Emma Watson, the British actress who plays in Harry Potter, or with the massive defections at the festival dance in Sydney, Australia, after the artists learned that the Israeli Embassy was sponsoring the event.

 And it is not the multiplication of Israeli crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories or against the Bedouins in the Negev, nor the brutal repression against Palestinian prisoners that will improve the image of the occupier.

We would like to thank all our friends in France and abroad who show their solidarity with Olivia Zémor (see our website The article in Mediapart signed by two great jurists, the magistrate Ghislain Poissonnier, and the professor of international humanitarian law at Sciences Po Paris, Patrick Zahnd, also helped to enlighten the public on the good reasons we have for boycotting generic medicines from the Israeli firm TEVA. (

We are organizing a protest rally against this judicial harassment in Paris this Saturday, January 22 at 3 p.m. It will take place in the center of Paris, at the Fontaine des Innocents, (at the corner of rue Pierre Lescot and rue Berger. Exit from the Forum des Halles Porte Lescot or M° Châtelet ). Be numerous to come and affirm with us that the boycott of Israel and its products is not only a right, but a duty.

The Lyon Collectif for Palestine calls for a rally in front of the Lyon Court of Appeal on Thursday January 27 from 12:30 p.m. (1 Rue du palais de justice (quai Romain-Rolland) LYON 5°).

We are also counting a lot on you to circulate our communication, and share our daily videos on the boycott of TEVA, which you can access by clicking on the banner of our site are subtitled in English.

Best wishes


Chères amies, Chers amis,

Comme vous le savez, nous avons gagné le 18 mai dernier le procès que nous faisait TEVA, ainsi que trois officines israéliennes, avec demande de condamnation de la part du gouvernement.

Ce n’était que justice, d’autant que la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme avait légitimé en juin 2020 l’appel au boycott des produits israéliens, en l’absence de violence et de propos racistes, et condamné la France à payer 100 000 euros de dommages et intérêts aux militants BDS de Mulhouse, injustement condamnés par notre gouvernement.

Mais l’acharnement judiciaire est au rendez-vous, puisque les mêmes ont fait appel de la décision du tribunal lyonnais, et nous comparaîtrons donc à nouveau, le 27 janvier prochain, cette fois devant la Cour d’Appel de Lyon.

Même chantage à l’antisémitisme, même volonté d’intimider celles et ceux qui défendent les droits des Palestiniens.

En vain. La campagne internationale BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions), ne cesse de se développer comme on l’a vu après les accusations d’antisémitisme contre Emma Watson, l’actrice britannique qui joue dans Harry Potter, ou encore avec les défections massives au festival de danse à Sydney, en Australie, après que les artistes eurent appris que l’ambassade d’Israël sponsorisait cet événement.

Et ce n’est pas la multiplication des crimes israéliens dans les territoires palestiniens occupés ou contre les Bédouins dans le Neguev, ni la répression brutale contre les prisonnier(e)s palestiniens qui vont améliorer l’image de l’occupant.

Nous remercions tous nos amis en France et à l’étranger qui manifestent leur solidarité avec Olivia Zémor (cf notre site La tribune dans Médiapart de deux grands juristes, le magistrat Ghislain Poissonnier, et le professeur de droit international humanitaire à Sciences Po Paris, Patrick Zahnd, ont également contribué à éclairer le public sur les bonnes raisons que nous avons de boycotter les médicaments génériques de la firme israélienne TEVA. (

Nous organisons un rassemblement de protestation contre cet acharnement judiciaire à Paris ce samedi 22 janvier à 15 H à la Fontaine des Innocents, à l’angle de la rue Pierre Lescot et de la rue Berger (Sortie du Forum des Halles Porte Lescot ou M° Châtelet).

Soyez nombreux à venir affirmer avec nous que le boycott d’Israël et de ses produits n’est pas seulement un droit, mais un devoir.

Le Collectif 69 pour la Palestine appelle pour sa part à un rassemblement devant la Cour d’Appel de Lyon le jeudi 27 janvier à partir de 12 H 30 (1 Rue du palais de justice (quai Romain-Rolland) Lyon 5°).

Nous comptons également beaucoup sur vous pour relayer notre communication, et partager nos vidéos quotidiennes sur le boycott de TEVA, auxquelles vous pouvez accéder en cliquant sur le bandeau de notre site



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