Take action
End military trade between Canada and Israel
Over 1,000 letters were written before the 2021 fall election and about 3500 after the election. Now we are in 2022 let’s keep the momentum going with the third round of letters.
Write Letter

Take one minute to write a letter to the Minister of Transport, Omar Alghabra, the Minister responsible for Procurement, Filomena Tassi, and Minister of Defence, Anita Anand.
Let them know that you call on them to:
- Cancel the procurement process for an estimated $5 B contract for armed surveillance drones;
- Cancel the contract with Elbit Systems for Arctic surveillance drones;
- Prohibit ZIM ships from accessing Canadian ports; and
- End all trade in weapons with Israel through a two-way arms embargo and ending military-security cooperation with Israel.
Read more:
More than 80 organizations have joined the call
Academics for Palestine-Concordia
Al Haadi Musalla
Al-Quds Committee Toronto
American Muslims for Palestine
Arab Palestine Association of Ontario
Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation (BBCF)
Bathurst Street United Church
Boycott from Within – Israeli citizens for BDS
Canada Palestine Association
Canada Palestine Support Network
Canada Palestine Support Network — CanPalNet
Canadian Arab Federation
Canadian BDS Coalition
Canadian Boat to Gaza
Canadian Council for Justice and Peace
Canadian Council of Muslim Women Montreal
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Canadian Peace Congress
Canadian Union of Postal Workers/Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes
Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ)
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land
Coalition Aganist Israeli Apartheid-Victoria
Coalition to Divest Philadelphia from the War Machine
Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
Communist Party of Canada
Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships Program
Environmentalists Against War
Fields of Peace
Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice
Fondation canado-palestinienne du Québec (CPFQ)
Friends of Kashmir Canada
Friends of Sabeel North America
Global BDS Movement
Global Peace Alliance Society
GreaterToronto for BDS
Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War
HR4A ( Human Rights for All) Saskatchewan
If Not Now Toronto
Independent Jewish Voices Canada
International Solidarity Movement (ISM)
Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Just Peace Advocates
Justice For All Canada
Justice For Palestinians, Calgary
La Coalition BDS du Québec
Labor for Palestine
Labour Against the Arms Trade
Mid-Islanders for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO)
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
Nonviolence International Canada
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Ottawa Raging Grannies
Palestine House
Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Cape Town
Palestine Solidarity Network – Edmonton
Palestine Solidarity St. John’s, Newfoundland
Palestine Solidarity Working Group – Sudbury
Palestinian and Jewish Unity
Palestinian Canadian Community Centre -Palestine House
Palestinian Canadian Congress
Palestinian Youth Movement-Vancouver
Peace Alliance Winnipeg
Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW
Peacehome Campaign
Peaceworks Midland
People for Peace, London
Regina Peace Council
Resistance Art
Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Saskatoon Peace Coalition
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
Solidarité populaire Estrie
Toronto Raging Grannies
Veterans for Peace ch 27
Victoria Peace Council
World BEYOND War
World Beyond War — South Africa
Response from the federal government confirming Israeli Aerospace Industries is part of one of the two proposals in the running.
Confirmation of the two teams in running for $5B unmanned armed drone contract. Includes IAI
The Trifecta of Anti-Racism
Yes, Canada Does Arm and Fund Israel
Along with the usual trend each December of Canada voting with Israel, the USA and a couple of small countries beholden to the US, opposing most pro-Palestinian resolutions at the United Nations, it has also been an embarrassing time for the Canadian government with its Foreign Affairs minister and its two top diplomats in Ramallah and Tel Aviv all making anti-Palestinian comments.
Canada’s top diplomat in Ramallah claimed that “we neither arm nor fund Israel.”
In December 2021, Canadian diplomat, Robin Wettlaufer, representative to the Palestinian Authority, criticized Electronic Intifada editor Ali Abunimah for stating that Canada “arms and funds the apartheid state.” Wettlaufer responded by writing “we neither arm nor fund Israel.”
Following this, Abunimah and others provided evidence of Canada arming and funding Israel, from direct weapons sales to components of US deliveries to subsidizing charitable donations.
Over 4200 letters have been sent. Send your letter exposing this anti-Palestinian racism.