February 28, 2020
The Canadian BDS Coalition expresses our total solidarity with indigenous rights and land defenders. we stand in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation and land defenders at the Unist’ot’en Camp and Gidimt’en and across Turtle Island who continue to resist Canada’s colonial incursions of their unceded territories.

We denounce the Canadian governments for their colonial violence and their callous disregard of indigenous rights. We understand the struggles of the indigenous people of this land and the indigenous people of Palestine have always been against the supremacist settler colonialist mentality, that has at its roots lack of respect for indigenous rights and dignity.
We also honour the brave resistance of our indigenous sisters and brothers all through their history and know that they believe, as we do, in defending their land to their last breath. We are deeply grateful for the Wet’suwet’en people for their indomitable spirit, and their tireless defence of the land and water resources.
The Canadian BDS Coalition stands firmly with the indigenous people on Turtle Island in your struggle for your land and ancestral rights. We stand united with you in the struggle against settler colonialism, racism, corporate criminality and your inalienable rights for justice and self-determination.
We join with the BDS National Committee in their statement of solidarity Palestinians stand in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation
February 29, 2020
The Canadian BDS Coalition in expressing its solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people, led by their hereditary chiefs, standing up for sovereignty, includes opposition to pipeline construction across their unceded, ancestral lands. As proponents of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, we stand with Indigenous people who are asserting their rights, and fighting to end occupation and neo-colonial rule, including by blocking railway lines, highways, bridges and major ports.
For that reason, among others. our Coalition opposes the Canadian government’s bid to obtain a seat for the Canadian state on the United Nations Security Council.
In addition, we celebrate the withdrawal of Teck Frontier’s proposal for a huge tar sands project in Alberta — at least in part due to the impact of mass protests across the Canadian state in solidarity with Indigenous people and against imminent climate catastrophe.