HP Free Zone

HP-branded corporations play key roles in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. They are complicit in Israel’s occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid regime. They provide computer hardware to the Israeli army and maintain data centers through their servers for the Israeli police. They provide the Itanium servers to operate the Aviv System, the computerized database of Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority. This forms the backbone of Israel’s racial segregation and apartheid. BDS. Read more

Organizations, Workplaces, Unions, Faith Groups

Declare your organization, your workplace, your union, your faith group, or your home HP Free.

You can declare your organization HP-Free by either:

i) having NO HP equipment & pledging to NOT buy any HP equipement

ii) by pledging to not buy HP equipment, and marking the equipment you presently as “THIS IS MY LAST HP”


These organizations have declared themselves HP Free

Just Peace Advocates

Palestine Just Trade

Oakville Palestinian Rights Association

BBCF in Victoria

Socialist Action

Workers’ Action Movement

NDP Socialist Caucus

CAIA Victoria

Guelph OPRIG

Palestine Solidarity Working Group -Sudbury.

Regina Peace Council

Individuals can pledge here

Get “THIS IS MY LAST HP!” Stickers

send message to bdscoalition@gmail.com to request your stickers

Suggested donation $20 for 100 stickers, $15 for 50 stickers, $5 to $10 for small personal supply

Etransfer to bdscoalition@gmail.com

Contact us by email if you wish to send a cheque

Learn more

Check out more at https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp

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