Appui à Roger Waters/ Supporting Roger Waters, Centre Bell, Montréal

Over the last two weeks, people have joined in Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec City to say #Shukran2Roger4TearingDownWalls. Most recently, a group gathered in Montreal.

Watch for more pictures, and news.


16 octobre 2017

Bonjour. Nous étions environ 35 personnes devant le Centre Bell à Montréal le 16 octobre 2017 au spectacle de Roger Waters pour remercier Roger Waters pour son appui à la cause palestinienne ainsi que son appui publique de la campagne BDS contre l’État d’Israël. La Ligue de défense juive qui menaçait d’être présente pour dénoncer Roger, ne s’est pas présentée. Voici quelques photos en attachement. Action organisée par BDS-Québec, Palestiniens et Juifs Unis et Voix Juives Indépendantes.


Greetings. There were around 35 of us in front of the Bell Center in Montreal on October 16, 2017 at the opening of the Roger Waters show to thank Roger Waters for his vocal support for the Palestinian cause as well as his courageous support for the BDS campaign against the State of Israel. The Jewish Defence League, which had announced that their members would show up to denounce Roger Water’s presence, did not come. Here are some photos attached to this email. The action was organized by BDS-Québec, Palestinian and Jewish Unity and Independent Jewish Voices
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