Canada Political Shame List

There is much that can be added, but these are a few highlights.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

introduced anti-BDS motion, Motion 14 in February 2016, a few months after his liberal government win in the fall of 2015

in fact the Canadian BDS Coalition indicated that their name was an appropriate response to the February 2016 condemnation of BDS in the Canadian House of Commons and the logic of it still stands today. In April 2021,  PM Trudeau again went out of his way to discredit BDS during his salute to Israel’s “Independence Day”. There are many example of Trudeau’s staunch support of Israel, but very notable is his pro-Israel responses since October 7, 2023.

Mélanie Joly, foreign affairs minister

Continues her pro Israel stance, including very notably since October 7, 2023.

On December 7, 2021 during a response to a question in Parliament, Canada’s foreign affairs minister, Mélanie Joly showed her pro-Israel anti-Palestinian racism

“…obviously we are a steadfast ally of Israel and friends to the Palestinian people. I raised the question regarding the Palestinian civil society organizations listed by Israel as terrorist organizations with my counterpart, Lapid, when I had the chance to talk to him. Of course, he said to me that he would be giving more clarity on this matter, so I am waiting for him.”

“…of course we will always be there to help vulnerable Palestinians. We would rather see them sitting in classrooms in schools that are funded by United Nations organizations than in the streets fighting. That is exactly why we want to make sure we continue to support UNRWA.”

Canadian UN Ambassador Bob Rae

Former Global Affairs Minister, and current Deputy Minister Freeland

Freeland indicated a few times that “Canada Wants to Be an ‘Asset of Israel’ at the UN Security Council” both in pro Israel sponsored meeting in Toronto and when she was in apartheid Israel

Former AG David Lametti

For failing to investigate the illegal military recruiting happening by Israel under the Canadian Foreign Enlistment Act, and failing to bar former Israeli PM Bennett into Canada.

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the federal NDP

Jagmeet Singh attended a conference with advocates of genocidal violence against Palestinians even as a number of experts in international law have suggested Israel’s ongoing siege and violence in Gaza had reached the legal threshold of crimes against humanity and maybe even genocide.

NDP caucus members continue to be part of the Canada Israel Interparliamentary Group.  Randall Garrison, Gord Johns being long time members, and others like Heather McPherson have been on at various times.

Elizabeth May, Green Party Leader

attended the Parliament Hill May 31, 2023, the pro-Israel meeting with right wing Knesset member Amichai Chikli, arriving late next door to a Law for Palestine session held with former UN rapporteurs and other legal experts. Even the liberals condemned the inviting of Chikli to be on Parliament Hill, but May showed her true self making sure she attended with the pro Israel lobby but without shame arrived late to say she cared about Palestinians.

Despite a 91% membership approval of BDS, the Green Party under Ms. May’s leadership continues to ignore their own party’s policy.


 Lisa Stadelbauer, Canadian Ambassador to Tel Aviv

actually praised  Israel for its support on arbitrary detention

Diplomat Robin Wettlaufer

On December 15, 2021, Robin Wettlaufer, the Head of the Canadian Mission in Ramallah, criticized Electronic Intifada editor Ali Abunimah for tweeting that Canada “arms and funds the apartheid state to murder Palestinians and steal their land.” She responded by writing “we neither arm nor fund Israel.” After Abunimah and others provided evidence of Canada “arming and funding Israel” the Canadian diplomat then blocked Abunimah on Twitter.Canadian diplomat gets caught lying about Israel arms sales, Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, December 15, 2021

Former Canada Ambassador to Israel, Debra Lyons

On Monday May 15, Deborah Lyons, the former Canadian ambassador in Tel Aviv, received an honorary degree from Mount Allison University. She was met with a protest outside, and students inside the convocation who stood up and turned their backs on her during her receiving of the award and her acceptance speech. Good on your Mount Allison!

Students turned their backs and held signs while Lyons spoke, and some students walked out.

Read more

Take Action: Mount Allison should not be conferring an honorary degree for Deborah Lyons

The elected officials who go on apartheid junkets


Here Are The 10 MPs Most Lobbied By CIJA


Shame: the 10 MPs Most Lobbied By CIJA



The Canada Israel Inter-Parliamentary Group

How Canadian MPs in the Canada-Israel Inter-Parliamentary group are at the table of apartheid


All members of the Canada Israel Inter Parliamentary Group.

The Canadian Government:

Nov. 20, 2023: Even as genocide is happening in real-time, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather and Marco Mendicino, and Conservative MPs  deputy leader Melissa Lantsman and Marty Morantz,  Jewish, and Michelle Rempel Garner have arrived to show solidarity with the occupier.

Doug Ford and his Ontario Conversative Party

Anti-Palestinian racism condemning Palestinian solidarity actions, censuring Sarah Jama, nine hours of legislative time condemning Sarah Jama and Palestinians solidarity on the streets through hasbara rhetoric, attending the FSWC Spirit of Hope

MP Wayne Long and his staff member for unethical conduct. Take action.

And many more….

Boycott List of Shame

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