
Jenin invasion underlines the need for BDS in Canada: Isolate the occupier!

In the early morning hours of Monday, July 3, Israeli occupation forces launched a full-fledged military assault on occupied Jenin, in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, attacking the city and refugee camp with over 1,000 soldiers and 150 military vehicles, including armed drones of the type produced by Elbit Systems (of which Canada’s Scotiabank […]

Jenin invasion underlines the need for BDS in Canada: Isolate the occupier! Read More »

Urgent Appeal to Commercial Airlines: Avoid Assisting in the Forcible Deportation & Transfer of Human Rights Defender Salah Hamouri

Summary Israel has recently announced it will imminently deport Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hamouri, an act that could be a serious violation of international law. We, the undersigned human rights organizations, call on commercial airlines to do everything in their capacity to refuse to assist in what could constitute a war crime by refusing

Urgent Appeal to Commercial Airlines: Avoid Assisting in the Forcible Deportation & Transfer of Human Rights Defender Salah Hamouri Read More »

Resist Repression: Support the Mapping Project

We, the undersigned organizations, reaffirm our support for the Mapping Project out of Boston. The project identifies hundreds of policing institutions, universities, weapons manufacturers, and explicitly political Zionist organizations that collaborate with one another to further systems of oppression. We reject any attempts to isolate or ostracize segments of our movement that are doing this

Resist Repression: Support the Mapping Project Read More »

BDS Coalition joins 120 organizations calling for two-way arms embargo on Israel

The Canadian BDS Coalition and many of its member organizations have joined over 100 global organizations to demand a two-way arms embargo on Israel, stopping both the sale of weapons to Israel and the purchase of Israeli weaponry, often “battle-tested” on Palestinians and Arabs throughout occupied Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. Canada has been a party

BDS Coalition joins 120 organizations calling for two-way arms embargo on Israel Read More »

In solidarity for justice for Ejaz Choudry

The Canadian BDS Coalition condemns the use of excess force by the Peel Regional Police that resulted in the murder of Ejaz Choudry on Saturday, June 20, 2020.

The Coalition recognizes the role the militarization of police plays in this blatant misuse of power, and condemns the training of Canadian police by Israeli security forces in Israel and Canada, and the elected officials and police leadership that funds and enables it.

In solidarity for justice for Ejaz Choudry Read More »

How Canadian MPs in the Canada-Israel Inter-Parliamentary group are at the table of apartheid

magine a group of Canadian Members of Parliament representing four of the five federal parties sitting in the House of Commons, implicitly, if not explicitly, supporting Israel’s brutal apartheid regime by participating in the Canada Israel Inter-parliamentary Group which functions as little more than an internal pressure group the function of which is to normalize and consequently whitewash Israel’s apartheid regime. Within this group sit 19 members of the Bloc Québécois (of 32 Bloc Québécois MPs sitting in the House of Commons), 18 Conservative MPs, 16 Liberal MPs, 2 New Democrats and 9 Senators

How Canadian MPs in the Canada-Israel Inter-Parliamentary group are at the table of apartheid Read More »

Ramadan 2020: Be sure you know where your Medjoul dates are from!

This year we know that there is a good supply of fresh 2019 Medjoul harvest from importers/suppliers bringing product from trusted Palestinian sources. Please do your due dilligence to be sure that you do not buy product that comes from the Israeli company Hadiklaim via NBF or other sources, or from any other Israeli provider.

Ramadan 2020: Be sure you know where your Medjoul dates are from! Read More »

Canadian BDS Coalition submission to the United Church of Canada Taskforce on Palestine

Canadian BDS Coalition …working together to promote justice for Palestinians. March 15, 2020 Dear Rev Dr Martha Ter Kuile and Task Force members: We in the Canadian BDS Coalition were pleased to learn that the United Church of Canada is reviewing the appropriateness of your existing policy, UCC Policy on Palestine and Israel

Canadian BDS Coalition submission to the United Church of Canada Taskforce on Palestine Read More »

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