Boycott HP week of action

The International Boycott HP Network and the Palestinian BDS National Committee are calling for an international week of action against HP over its role in Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. The Canadian BDS Coalition has endorsed the week of action, which will take place November 25 – December 3 (which includes the UN Day of […]

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Palestinians want access to PayPal Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and Gaza are unable to use PayPal services, while Israeli settlers living in the West Bank have full access to the platform. Not having access to PayPal limits the growth of Palestinian businesses — especially the burgeoning tech sector, which is providing employment and livelihood to Palestinians

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Tell the Ontario government that boycotting Israel is our right

Canadian BDS Coalition member group Independent Jewish Voices has launched a petition calling on the Ontario government of Kathleen Wynne to “support the right of Ontarians to engage in peaceful advocacy for human rights in Israel/Palestine, free from defamation or condemnation from our provincial government”: As you may have heard, Bill 202 – put forward

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Boycott Israeli Wines, Don’t Drink with Apartheid

On the 60th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, eight years ago, Canada Palestine Association-Vancouver and other endorsing groups called for a boycott of Israeli wines in BC liquor stores. This year, on the 68th anniversary, with BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) making great strides globally, BC liquor stores are regrettably still stuck in the past. In

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Boycott Air Canada!

This campaign has been initiated by the Canada Palestine Association (CPA), in solidarity with the call from Palestinian civil society to support boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns against entities complicit in the occupation and oppression of of the Palestinian people. The following information is taken from the CPA’s website.

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